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Daly City Montis Career Leaderboard (at the end of the 2005 Season)



Rk Name G GS
1 Nathan Yan* 96 96
2 Angel Poon* 96 0
3 Josiah Leong* 95 47
4 Terrence Zhao* 87 83
5 Michelle Absalon 84 0
6 Sarah Jimenez 76 13
7 Katie Clayton 61 0
8 Willis Fong 55 55
9 Alvina Chu* 55 0
10 Erica Lum 53 39
11 Michelle Lin 52 51
12 Miguel Pardo* 50 41
13 Zubeda Khan* 42 0
14 Sean Wade* 29 29
15 Jessica Tirta 29 0
16 Samantha Chin* 26 26
17 Alfred Vong* 24 1
18 Helen Yamamoto* 19 0
19 Helen Chow 9 0
20 Aubrey Cubilo 8 8
21 Sean Mok 3 0

*Denotes active player
G: Games
GS: Games Started

A sheer sign of his workhorse nature, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Yan tops the charts in both Games Started and Games. Angel Poon, another three-year veteran, is tied for tops in games, but Josiah Leong, who looks to pitch an ungodly number of relief games in the long-relief closer role, looks to pass up everybody by the end of the season. In terms of starters, Yan and Zhao should remain at 1-2, but the season will likely see Wade, Pardo, and possibly Chin move up beyond 2003-2004 players Fong and Lin for the 3-5 spaces.


1 Nathan Yan* 96 96 830 8.646 0.000
2 Terrence Zhao* 87 83 587 7.072 0.000
3 Willis Fong 55 55 415 1/3 7.552 0.000
4 Josiah Leong* 95 47 351 0.000 0.000
5 Michelle Lin 52 51 335 1/3 6.575 0.000
6 Miguel Pardo* 50 41 275 6.707 0.000
7 Erica Lum 53 39 258 2/3 0.000 0.000
8 Sarah Jimenez 76 13 213 0.000 3.381
9 Sean Wade* 29 29 201 6.931 0.000
10 Angel Poon* 96 0 181 0.000 1.885
11 Samantha Chin* 26 26 168 1/3 6.474 0.000
12 Michelle Absalon 84 0 120 2/3 0.000 1.437
13 Alvina Chu* 55 0 102 0.000 1.855
14 Katie Clayton 61 0 89 0.000 1.459
15 Alfred Vong* 24 1 63 2/3 0.000 2.768
16 Jessica Tirta 29 0 54 1/3 0.000 1.874
17 Zubeda Khan* 42 0 46 2/3 0.000 1.111
18 Aubrey Cubilo 8 8 44 2/3 5.583 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 19 0 26 0.000 1.368
20 Helen Chow 9 0 18 0.000 2.000
21 Sean Mok 3 0 6 2/3 0.000 2.222

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (innings are baseball’s time unit)
IP/GS: Average innings pitched per start
IP/RA: Average innings pitched per relief appearance

A much more exact statistic of work, Yan once again dominates this chart, not only in sheer innings but also in innings per start – rounded off he averages a complete game very start! It’s slightly disappointing to see Leong so low on the list, although he did spend a year in relief. Wade seems to be the fastest-rising player – after a single season he’s already 9th on the list, and looks to pass up everyone up to and maybe even including Leong after this season. Angel Poon tops the charts for a pure reliever, a statistic she’ll probably hold onto for awhile.


Rk Name GS W L Win%
1 Nathan Yan* 96 90 6 0.938
2 Terrence Zhao* 83 52 15 0.776
3 Willis Fong 55 48 3 0.941
4 Michelle Lin 51 34 3 0.919
5 Erica Lum 39 26 7 0.788
6 Sarah Jimenez 13 23 6 0.793
7 Miguel Pardo* 41 22 9 0.710
8 Josiah Leong* 47 21 17 0.553
9 Sean Wade* 29 20 8 0.714
10 Alvina Chu* 0 14 3 0.824
11 Samantha Chin* 26 13 1 0.929
12 Michelle Absalon 0 10 1 0.909
13 Angel Poon* 0 9 5 0.643
14 Alfred Vong* 1 4 2 0.667
15 Jessica Tirta 0 3 1 0.750
16 Aubrey Cubilo 8 3 1 0.750
17 Zubeda Khan* 0 2 3 0.400
18 Katie Clayton 0 0 1 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 0 0 0 0.000
20 Helen Chow 0 0 0 0.000
21 Sean Mok 0 0 0 0.000

*Denotes active player
GS: Games Started
W: Wins, counted whenever a pitcher “wins” the game
L: Losses, whenever a player “loses” the game

Yan once again tops the leaderboard, by a very far margin. After three 30-2 seasons, however, his Winning % actually hasn’t improved, so he’s in fact still behind Fong, who in 2004 put together a perfect 29-0 season Yan still holds the prime distinction of being the only player to not have recorded a single no decision, however, although Wade had only one in his rookie year. The coming year should see all starters move up, possibly past Lin’s #4 spot, but likely not beyond Fong’s 48.

Rk Name IP K K/9
1 Nathan Yan* 830 1279 13.87
2 Terrence Zhao* 587 508 7.79
3 Willis Fong 415 1/3 454 9.84
4 Michelle Lin 335 1/3 392 10.52
5 Josiah Leong* 351 375 9.62
6 Miguel Pardo* 275 181 5.92
7 Sean Wade* 201 163 7.30
8 Samantha Chin* 168 1/3 163 8.71
9 Sarah Jimenez 213 149 6.30
10 Angel Poon* 181 142 7.06
11 Michelle Absalon 120 2/3 138 10.29
12 Alvina Chu* 102 95 8.38
13 Erica Lum 258 2/3 73 2.54
14 Alfred Vong* 63 2/3 53 7.49
15 Katie Clayton 89 49 4.96
16 Zubeda Khan* 46 2/3 38 7.33
17 Jessica Tirta 54 1/3 31 5.13
18 Aubrey Cubilo 44 2/3 28 5.64
19 Helen Yamamoto* 26 12 4.15
20 Helen Chow 18 12 6.00
21 Sean Mok 6 2/3 0 0.00

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (Innings are baseball’s time unit)
K: Strikeout, when the batter fails to even put the ball in play
K/9: A strikeout rate, measured by strikeouts per 9 innings pitched

No surprises here: Having blown away the league for three consecutive years, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Yan dominates this chart. After three years, Zhao also finally surpasses Fong for #2 all-time, although Leong, with his far higher K/9, should have been well past both now, if he had been consistent enough to pitch the innings. Depending on his innings, Leong may yet move past Fong. An interesting thing to note is the dying breed of high K pitchers – of the five players with higher than 9 K’s per 9 innings, 3 of them are retired

Quality Starts

1 Nathan Yan* 96 90 68 35 0.938 0.708 0.365
2 Terrence Zhao* 83 61 20 14 0.735 0.241 0.169
3 Willis Fong 55 45 20 7 0.818 0.364 0.127
4 Michelle Lin 51 34 8 3 0.667 0.157 0.059
5 Josiah Leong* 47 28 1 0 0.596 0.021 0.000
6 Erica Lum 39 24 3 0 0.615 0.077 0.000
7 Sean Wade* 29 23 3 2 0.793 0.103 0.069
8 Miguel Pardo* 41 21 4 2 0.512 0.098 0.049
9 Samantha Chin* 26 14 2 1 0.538 0.077 0.038
10 Sarah Jimenez 13 9 2 1 0.692 0.154 0.077
11 Alfred Vong* 1 1 0 0 1.000 0.000 0.000
12 Aubrey Cubilo 8 1 1 0 0.125 0.125 0.000
13 Angel Poon* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 Michelle Absalon 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 Alvina Chu* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 Katie Clayton 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 Zubeda Khan* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 Jessica Tirta 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 Helen Chow 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 Sean Mok 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000

*Denotes active player
GS: Games started
QS: Quality starts, where the pitcher throws at least 6 innings with fewer than 3 earned runs allowed. A mark of consistency
CG: Complete games, where the pitcher throws the entire game from beginning to end. A mark of endurance
SHO: Shutouts, a complete game where the pitcher allows no runs. A mark of dominance
QS%: Quality starts as a percentage of starts
CG%: Complete games as a percentage of starts
SO%: Shutout games as a percentage of starts

Yan dominates all three QS, CG, and SHO categories by a large margin. A more interesting note is Zhao, who has steadily bettered year after year. Despite his overall career averages not being as high as Fong, at this point he’s probably a better pitcher, and over time he should be able to increase his averages up to #2. Other notes: it’s clear to see that Leong, Chin, and Pardo rank among the most inconsistent, where as Wade has already demonstrated he can be one of the most consistent players around.


1 Michelle Absalon 120 2/3 0.75 0.81 1.75 0.77
2 Nathan Yan* 830 1.21 0.72 0.96 0.67
3 Alvina Chu* 102 2.03 1.89 2.94 0.97
4 Willis Fong 415 1/3 2.04 1.83 2.76 0.93
5 Jessica Tirta 54 1/3 2.65 3.02 3.57 1.21
6 Terrence Zhao* 587 2.79 2.66 3.92 1.12
7 Sean Wade* 201 3.00 2.37 3.37 1.02
8 Michelle Lin 335 1/3 3.44 2.98 3.01 1.07
9 Sarah Jimenez 213 3.46 2.98 3.90 1.26
10 Zubeda Khan* 46 2/3 3.47 3.28 3.98 1.14
11 Erica Lum 258 2/3 3.51 4.32 5.88 1.58
12 Angel Poon* 181 3.58 3.52 3.94 1.19
13 Helen Chow 18 4.00 5.12 4.73 1.56
14 Sean Mok 6 2/3 4.05 5.56 6.83 1.65
15 Josiah Leong* 351 4.05 4.04 4.57 1.44
16 Samantha Chin* 168 1/3 4.06 3.29 3.73 1.21
17 Aubrey Cubilo 44 2/3 4.23 3.32 4.88 1.21
18 Alfred Vong* 63 2/3 4.24 3.84 4.65 1.19
19 Miguel Pardo* 275 4.88 4.81 5.05 1.56
20 Katie Clayton 89 7.28 6.05 5.83 1.74
21 Helen Yamamoto* 26 9.35 12.35 8.29 2.54

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (innings are baseball’s time unit)
ERA: Earned Run Average, the average earned runs allowed by the pitcher per 9 innings
CERA: Component ERA – an overall performance metric similar to ERA. Probably the performance indicator
DIPS: Defense-Independent Pitching ERA – an overall performance metric similar to ERA, which involves only walks, strikeouts, and homeruns.
WHIP: Walks and hits per inning pitched, a rough performance metric

What’s this? A category where Yan isn’t on top? Surprisingly, Yan’s career ERA has actually been bested by Absalon, who boasts a 0.84 ERA in 2003 and 0.64 ERA in 2004. Despite this, all other indicators point to Yan being the far more dominant pitcher. Among other players, Chu is making quite a name for herself, with the third best ERA all-time, just barely edging Fong.


1 Michelle Absalon 50 84 84 69 12 61 3 0.820
2 Josiah Leong* 40 95 48 46 0 43 3 0.930
3 Zubeda Khan* 29 42 42 40 0 34 5 0.853
4 Angel Poon* 7 96 96 50 19 29 5 0.241
5 Alvina Chu* 3 55 55 27 12 22 7 0.136
6 Sarah Jimenez 2 76 63 24 14 19 3 0.105
7 Katie Clayton 2 61 61 40 5 6 1 0.333
8 Jessica Tirta 2 29 29 13 3 5 2 0.400
9 Alfred Vong* 2 24 23 14 3 7 0 0.286
10 Erica Lum 2 53 14 7 0 2 0 1.000
11 Helen Yamamoto* 2 19 19 12 0 2 0 1.000
12 Helen Chow 1 9 9 3 3 4 0 0.250
13 Miguel Pardo* 1 50 9 5 1 2 0 0.500
14 Nathan Yan* 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
15 Willis Fong 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
16 Terrence Zhao* 0 87 4 0 0 0 0 0.000
17 Sean Wade* 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
18 Michelle Lin 0 52 1 1 0 0 0 0.000
19 Sean Mok 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0.000
20 Samantha Chin* 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
21 Aubrey Cubilo 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0.000

*Denotes active player
S: Save, when a relief pitcher enters a close game and successfully maintains the lead (the primary role of a “closer”)
G: Games played
RA: Relief appearances
GF: Games finished, relief appearances in which the reliever was the last pitcher
HLD: Hold, similar to save, where a relief pitcher enters a close game and successfully maintains the lead (a reliever does not need to finish a game for a hold)
SVO: Save opportunities, the number of opportunities the pitcher has had to save the game.
BS: Blown saves, when a pitcher enters into a save situation and fails to maintain the lead
SV%: The percentage of save opportunities converted into actual saves.

After three tumultuous years and three starters, the leaderboard is still topped by none other than the inaugural closer Michelle Absalon, who picked up 46 saves in her first season, and added on another 4 the subsequent year. Last year’s closer, Zubeda Khan, managed a scant 29 saves, while year 2 closer Josiah Leong picked up 40. Leong returns as the year 4 closer, marking the first year without a new face at closer. With another year of saves under his belt, Leong should skyrocket past Absalon for first place, and until next year at least, no other candidate has presented himself/herself to climb significantly up this leaderboard.


Rk Name G GS PA AB
1 Joey Wong 474 473 2160 1924
2 Derek Lew* 440 440 2079 1972
3 Sam Lau 405 403 1745 1465
4 Aubrey Cubilo 337 337 1601 1527
5 Desiree Tienturier 326 326 1521 1366
6 Norman Ho 317 317 1464 1238
7 Jonathan Chee* 317 312 1363 1149
8 Sean Mok 255 246 1171 1059
9 Cristian Ortiz* 241 233 996 898
10 Jason Liu* 218 213 951 832
11 Henry Nghe* 151 149 671 618
12 Tina Quach* 150 142 606 535
13 Joanna Maung* 145 128 557 481
14 Rudy Puzon* 139 139 640 554
15 Francis Chen* 121 116 476 414
16 Jean Paredes 113 103 449 424
17 Justin Cheuk 112 106 446 409
18 Josiah Leong* 67 67 314 265
19 Tiffany Ho* 64 60 243 233
20 Joe Jaber 53 44 205 186
21 Kelvin Huang 26 24 104 98

*Denotes active player
G: Games
GS: Games started
PA: Plate appearance, the number of times the player has shown up at the plate to bat. This indicates how many opportunities the player had.
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.

A quartet of three-year veterans headline this leaderboard, which isn’t really an indicator of anything but longevity. Wong dominates this chart, although Lew held the position for a long time before his injury-plagued 2005 season. With Lew the only player in the top 5 still active, look for him to move into the leaderboard without rival, as he becomes the only regular starter who has been with the team since 2003. Fellow three-year veterans (albeit not regular starters) Jonathan Chee and Cristian Ortiz also look to move up beyond most of the retired players on the board.


Rk Name AB H AVG
1 Joey Wong 1924 707 0.367
2 Derek Lew* 1972 590 0.299
3 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 452 0.296
4 Desiree Tienturier 1366 447 0.327
5 Norman Ho 1238 436 0.352
6 Sam Lau 1465 408 0.278
7 Sean Mok 1059 371 0.350
8 Jonathan Chee* 1149 324 0.282
9 Jason Liu* 832 259 0.311
10 Cristian Ortiz* 898 244 0.272
11 Henry Nghe* 618 223 0.361
12 Rudy Puzon* 554 167 0.301
13 Tina Quach* 535 161 0.301
14 Joanna Maung* 481 138 0.287
15 Jean Paredes 424 110 0.259
16 Josiah Leong* 265 95 0.358
17 Justin Cheuk 409 93 0.227
18 Francis Chen* 414 84 0.203
19 Tiffany Ho* 233 65 0.279
20 Joe Jaber 186 48 0.258
21 Kelvin Huang 98 34 0.347

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
AVG: Batting average, hits per at bat, or the percentage of at bats that result in hits

No surprises here – Wong tops the leaderboard by a wide margin, as he also retires as Daly City’s all time batting average leader (a feat that will be tough to match). While veteran Lew looks to pass Wong by this season, it appears a long ways off before any other player will come close to surpassing the current leader totals.


Rk Name AB H 1B 1B%
1 Joey Wong 1924 707 490 0.693
2 Derek Lew* 1972 590 309 0.524
3 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 452 308 0.681
4 Desiree Tienturier 1366 447 284 0.635
5 Sam Lau 1465 408 275 0.674
6 Sean Mok 1059 371 267 0.720
7 Jonathan Chee* 1149 324 257 0.793
8 Norman Ho 1238 436 243 0.557
9 Cristian Ortiz* 898 244 168 0.689
10 Henry Nghe* 618 223 149 0.668
11 Jason Liu* 832 259 126 0.486
12 Tina Quach* 535 161 117 0.727
13 Rudy Puzon* 554 167 114 0.683
14 Joanna Maung* 481 138 108 0.783
15 Jean Paredes 424 110 74 0.673
16 Josiah Leong* 265 95 59 0.621
17 Justin Cheuk 409 93 53 0.570
18 Tiffany Ho* 233 65 50 0.769
19 Francis Chen* 414 84 36 0.429
20 Joe Jaber 186 48 27 0.563
21 Kelvin Huang 98 34 22 0.647

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
1B: Singles, hits that result in the player reaching the first base (out of four)
1B%: The percentage of hits that are singles

The number of singles correlate fairly well with the number of hits – there is not much Huange in the leaderboard here. Wong dominates by a large amount, although Lew, due to a team third-lowest 1B%, only edges out second place by 1 single. A more interesting statistic than pure 1B totals is 1B%. As expected, the light-hitting players such as Mok, Quach, and most especially Tiffany Ho, Maung, and Chee, were singles dominant, all hitting for singles 70% of the time. In contrast, the biggest pure sluggers like Lew and Norman Ho, batted in the low .500’s for singles. The biggest anomalies, however, turn out in fellow sluggers (and RF position competitors) Jason Liu and Francis Chen, both of whom hit for singles less than half the time (in Chen’s case, a scant 42.9% of the time!)


Rk Name AB H 2B 2B% AB/2B
1 Derek Lew* 1972 590 181 0.307 10.90
2 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 452 116 0.257 13.16
3 Joey Wong 1924 707 115 0.163 16.73
4 Norman Ho 1238 436 95 0.218 13.03
5 Desiree Tienturier 1366 447 69 0.154 19.80
6 Sean Mok 1059 371 65 0.175 16.29
7 Sam Lau 1465 408 62 0.152 23.63
8 Jason Liu* 832 259 57 0.220 14.60
9 Henry Nghe* 618 223 49 0.220 12.61
10 Jonathan Chee* 1149 324 44 0.136 26.11
11 Justin Cheuk 409 93 36 0.387 11.36
12 Cristian Ortiz* 898 244 35 0.143 25.66
13 Tina Quach* 535 161 32 0.199 16.72
14 Joanna Maung* 481 138 21 0.152 22.90
15 Josiah Leong* 265 95 18 0.189 14.72
16 Rudy Puzon* 554 167 16 0.096 34.63
17 Francis Chen* 414 84 16 0.190 25.88
18 Jean Paredes 424 110 14 0.127 30.29
19 Joe Jaber 186 48 13 0.271 14.31
20 Tiffany Ho* 233 65 12 0.185 19.42
21 Kelvin Huang 98 34 8 0.235 12.25

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
2B: Doubles, hits that result in the player reaching the second base (out of four)
2B%: The percentage of hits that are doubles
AB/2B: The frequency of hitting doubles, in at bats per double (lower is better)

As Wong dominates the hits and singles chart, Lew excels here at his specialty – the double. Now only does Lew have by far the highest 2B total, but he also dominates the 2B% and AB/2B charts as well. There doesn’t appear to be anyone who will challenge him soon, or ever, although rookie Henry Nghe showed a strong penchant for hitting doubles in his rookie season.


1 Joey Wong 1924 707 92 0.130 20.91
2 Derek Lew* 1972 590 87 0.147 22.67
3 Norman Ho 1238 436 87 0.200 14.23
4 Desiree Tienturier 1366 447 85 0.190 16.07
5 Sam Lau 1465 408 67 0.164 21.87
6 Jason Liu* 832 259 67 0.259 12.42
7 Cristian Ortiz* 898 244 37 0.152 24.27
8 Sean Mok 1059 371 33 0.089 32.09
9 Rudy Puzon* 554 167 32 0.192 17.31
10 Francis Chen* 414 84 28 0.333 14.79
11 Jonathan Chee* 1149 324 21 0.065 54.71
12 Jean Paredes 424 110 20 0.182 21.20
13 Josiah Leong* 265 95 16 0.168 16.56
14 Henry Nghe* 618 223 12 0.054 51.50
15 Joanna Maung* 481 138 9 0.065 53.44
16 Tina Quach* 535 161 8 0.050 66.88
17 Joe Jaber 186 48 7 0.146 26.57
18 Justin Cheuk 409 93 4 0.043 102.25
19 Kelvin Huang 98 34 3 0.088 32.67
20 Tiffany Ho* 233 65 1 0.015 233.00
21 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 452 0 0.000 0.00

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
HR: Homeruns, hits that result in the player reaching all four bases and scoring a run
HR%: The percentage of hits that are homeruns
AB/HR: The frequency of hitting doubles, in at bats per homerun (lower is better)

While it’s clear that the slugger era dominated by the likes of Norman Ho and Desiree Tienturier are long over, it’s actually the three-year veterans Wong and Lew that top the leaderboard. With Wong’s retirement, Lew seems likely to move into first place, although there’s a great potential threat from sluggers Jason Liu and Francis Chen. Although both players lag far behind, both players have insanely high HR% and AB/HR numbers that equal or even top the numbers Ho and Tienturier put up. Given enough playing time, look for both to move up the charts quickly, although it will take them awhile before really approaching the top of the board. Rudy Puzon, who had 17.31 AB/HR in his rookie season, also seems like a strong candidate to have a lengthy HR career.

Total Bases

1 Joey Wong 1924 707 490 115 10 92 1118 0.367 0.581 1.581
2 Derek Lew* 1972 590 309 181 13 87 1058 0.299 0.537 1.793
3 Norman Ho 1238 436 243 95 11 87 814 0.352 0.658 1.867
4 Desiree Tienturier 1366 447 284 69 9 85 789 0.327 0.578 1.765
5 Sam Lau 1465 408 275 62 4 67 679 0.278 0.463 1.664
6 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 452 308 116 28 0 624 0.296 0.409 1.381
7 Sean Mok 1059 371 267 65 6 33 547 0.350 0.517 1.474
8 Jason Liu* 832 259 126 57 9 67 535 0.311 0.643 2.066
9 Jonathan Chee* 1149 324 257 44 2 21 435 0.282 0.379 1.343
10 Cristian Ortiz* 898 244 168 35 4 37 398 0.272 0.443 1.631
11 Henry Nghe* 618 223 149 49 13 12 334 0.361 0.540 1.498
12 Rudy Puzon* 554 167 114 16 5 32 289 0.301 0.522 1.731
13 Tina Quach* 535 161 117 32 4 8 225 0.301 0.421 1.398
14 Francis Chen* 414 84 36 16 4 28 192 0.203 0.464 2.286
15 Jean Paredes 424 110 74 14 2 20 188 0.259 0.443 1.709
16 Joanna Maung* 481 138 108 21 0 9 186 0.287 0.387 1.348
17 Josiah Leong* 265 95 59 18 2 16 165 0.358 0.623 1.737
18 Justin Cheuk 409 93 53 36 0 4 141 0.227 0.345 1.516
19 Joe Jaber 186 48 27 13 1 7 84 0.258 0.452 1.750
20 Tiffany Ho* 233 65 50 12 2 1 84 0.279 0.361 1.292
21 Kelvin Huang 98 34 22 8 1 3 53 0.347 0.541 1.559

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
1B: Singles, hits that result in the player reaching the first base (out of four)
2B: Doubles, hits that result in the player reaching the second base (out of four)
3B: Triples, hits that result in the player reaching the third base (out of four)
HR: Homeruns, hits that result in the player reaching all four bases and scoring a run
Total Bases: The cumulative number of bases from all hits (where singles count as 1 base, doubles as 2, triples as 3, and homeruns as four)
AVG: Batting average, hits per at bat, or the percentage of at bats that result in hits. This is a rough indicator of contact ability
SLG: Slugging percentage, or total bases per at bat. This is a rough indicator of power ability, although it is partially dependent on average
TB/H: Average total bases per hit. This is a pure indicator of power ability, independent of contact ability.

As with most other categories, Wong retires at the top of this chart, with only Lew within easy reach of claiming first place anytime soon. Interestingly, TB/H yields some affirmative results for the best pure hitter in the team’s history. While Ho dominates this category for regular players, Liu and to an even greater extent Chen have hammered away in this category, and both possess numbers greatly in excess of the team’s historical leaders.


1 Sam Lau 236 1745 0.382 0.135
2 Joey Wong 212 2160 0.429 0.098
3 Norman Ho 199 1464 0.445 0.136
4 Jonathan Chee* 156 1363 0.391 0.114
5 Desiree Tienturier 118 1521 0.391 0.078
6 Sean Mok 93 1171 0.406 0.079
7 Jason Liu* 93 951 0.388 0.098
8 Cristian Ortiz* 79 996 0.336 0.079
9 Rudy Puzon* 76 640 0.383 0.119
10 Tina Quach* 67 606 0.381 0.111
11 Joanna Maung* 67 557 0.375 0.120
12 Derek Lew* 65 2079 0.325 0.031
13 Aubrey Cubilo 53 1601 0.324 0.033
14 Francis Chen* 52 476 0.296 0.109
15 Henry Nghe* 47 671 0.407 0.070
16 Josiah Leong* 41 314 0.443 0.131
17 Justin Cheuk 34 446 0.285 0.076
18 Jean Paredes 17 449 0.296 0.038
19 Joe Jaber 12 205 0.322 0.059
20 Tiffany Ho* 8 243 0.305 0.033
21 Kelvin Huang 4 104 0.365 0.038

*Denotes active player
PA: Plate appearance, the number of times the player has shown up at the plate to bat. This indicates how many opportunities the player had.
BB: Base on balls, or walks, where a player automatically reaches first base after a pitcher has thrown four off-target pitches
OBP: On-base percentage, or the percentage of plate appearances in which the player reaches base safely, regardless of method.
BB/PA: Walks per plate appearance, or the percentage of plate appearances that result in walks:

It’s quite interesting to dip back into the past – despite having played only two seasons, only in the last season have players Lau and Wong surpassed Ho, and not even by that much. Turning towards the rates, we find that Ho clearly dominates in the OBP and BB/PA departments. Nonetheless, all three of the top players are retired, leaving Chee as the current active leader, on pace to take the lead sometime in 2007. Noticeably absent from the top is longtime player Derek Lew, who ranks only 12 in this category, due to his longtime inability to garner any walks despite a great ability to fend off strikeouts.


1 Joey Wong 1924 421 0.219
2 Derek Lew* 1972 396 0.201
3 Norman Ho 1238 299 0.242
4 Desiree Tienturier 1366 296 0.217
5 Sam Lau 1465 291 0.199
6 Jason Liu* 832 215 0.258
7 Aubrey Cubilo 1527 174 0.114
8 Sean Mok 1059 169 0.160
9 Jonathan Chee* 1149 158 0.138
10 Cristian Ortiz* 898 143 0.159
11 Rudy Puzon* 554 115 0.208
12 Henry Nghe* 618 101 0.163
13 Francis Chen* 414 85 0.205
14 Joanna Maung* 481 83 0.173
15 Tina Quach* 535 73 0.136
16 Jean Paredes 424 66 0.156
17 Josiah Leong* 265 52 0.196
18 Justin Cheuk 409 44 0.108
19 Joe Jaber 186 33 0.177
20 Tiffany Ho* 233 23 0.099
21 Kelvin Huang 98 21 0.214

*Denotes active player
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
RBI: Runs batted in, when a player directly drives another player (or himself, via a homerun) in for a run (runs are baseball’s point/goal unit)
RBI/AB: RBI’s per at bat

After three dominant RBI seasons, Wong, Lew, Ho, and Tienturier dominate this chart, each averaging well over 100 RBI’s per season. Except for the up-and-coming Liu, Chen, and Puzon, all four players dominate in the RBI/AB rate as well. Lew, as the team’s new #4 hitter following the departure of Wong, looks to dominate in this category after this season, without anyone else to really challenge him for years to come.


Rk Name PA R R/PA
1 Joey Wong 2160 396 0.206
2 Derek Lew* 2079 366 0.186
3 Norman Ho 1464 318 0.257
4 Desiree Tienturier 1521 304 0.223
5 Sam Lau 1745 265 0.181
6 Aubrey Cubilo 1601 264 0.173
7 Sean Mok 1171 208 0.196
8 Jonathan Chee* 1363 189 0.164
9 Jason Liu* 951 187 0.225
10 Cristian Ortiz* 996 144 0.160
11 Henry Nghe* 671 120 0.194
12 Rudy Puzon* 640 109 0.197
13 Joanna Maung* 557 87 0.181
14 Tina Quach* 606 82 0.153
15 Josiah Leong* 314 69 0.260
16 Francis Chen* 476 68 0.164
17 Jean Paredes 449 61 0.144
18 Justin Cheuk 446 55 0.134
19 Tiffany Ho* 243 34 0.146
20 Joe Jaber 205 28 0.151
21 Kelvin Huang 104 17 0.173

*Denotes active player
PA: Plate appearance, the number of times the player has shown up at the plate to bat. This indicates how many opportunities the player had.
R: Runs, the number of times the player has scored by reaching the fourth base
R/PA: Runs per plate appearance

Runs pretty much follows an order of longevity, although it is again the best sluggers who also end up with the highest run totals, much like RBIs.


Aubrey Cubilo 170 24 194 0.876
Desiree Tienturier 92 36 128 0.719
Norman Ho 68 22 90 0.756
Cristian Ortiz* 61 8 69 0.884
Sean Mok 39 13 52 0.750
Josiah Leong* 35 4 39 0.897
Joey Wong 31 0 31 1.000
Jonathan Chee* 24 0 24 1.000
Henry Nghe* 19 9 28 0.679
Sam Lau 15 0 15 1.000
Derek Lew* 14 2 16 0.875
Jason Liu* 11 0 11 1.000
Francis Chen* 10 2 12 0.833
Tiffany Ho* 10 1 11 0.909
Jean Paredes 7 1 8 0.875
Rudy Puzon* 5 4 9 0.556
Joanna Maung* 1 0 1 1.000
Tina Quach* 1 0 1 1.000
Justin Cheuk 1 0 1 1.000
Joe Jaber 1 0 1 1.000
Kelvin Huang 0 0 0 0.000

*Denotes active player
SB: Stolen bases, or steals, when a player runs to take an extra base
CS: Caught stealing, when a player unsuccessfully attempts to steal a base
SBA: Stolen base attempts, when a player attempts to run to advance an extra base
SB%: Stolen base %, or the rate of success

Daly City’s heralded speedster Aubrey Cubilo dominates this chart, with numbers far in excess of anyone else. With the top three players all retired, and not another speedster in the group, Ortiz remains as the only true base stealer on the team, although Jonathan Chee could look to make a long career out of piggy-backing double steals.


Rk Name AVG AB H
1 Joey Wong 0.367 1924 707
2 Henry Nghe* 0.361 618 223
3 Josiah Leong* 0.358 265 95
4 Norman Ho 0.352 1238 436
5 Sean Mok 0.350 1059 371
6 Kelvin Huang 0.347 98 34
7 Desiree Tienturier 0.327 1366 447
8 Jason Liu* 0.311 832 259
9 Rudy Puzon* 0.301 554 167
10 Tina Quach* 0.301 535 161
11 Derek Lew* 0.299 1972 590
12 Aubrey Cubilo 0.296 1527 452
13 Joanna Maung* 0.287 481 138
14 Jonathan Chee* 0.282 1149 324
15 Tiffany Ho* 0.279 233 65
16 Sam Lau 0.278 1465 408
17 Cristian Ortiz* 0.272 898 244
18 Jean Paredes 0.259 424 110
19 Joe Jaber 0.258 186 48
20 Justin Cheuk 0.227 409 93
21 Francis Chen* 0.203 414 84

*Denotes active player
AVG: Batting average, hits per at bat, or the percentage of at bats that result in hits. This is a rough indicator of contact ability
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.

Joey Wong dominates here as batting champ, although surprisingly the next two spots are not other veteran hitters but one-season players Nghe and Leong, both of whom are still active. While both are talented contact hitters, it would be a surprise if either ended up playing at a consistently high level enough to surpass Wong’s .367 mark, although both players are already very close.


1 Norman Ho 0.445 1464 436 199 16
2 Josiah Leong* 0.443 314 95 41 3
3 Joey Wong 0.429 2160 707 212 6
4 Henry Nghe* 0.407 671 223 47 3
5 Sean Mok 0.406 1171 371 93 11
6 Jonathan Chee* 0.391 1363 324 156 53
7 Desiree Tienturier 0.391 1521 447 118 28
8 Jason Liu* 0.388 951 259 93 17
9 Rudy Puzon* 0.383 640 167 76 2
10 Sam Lau 0.382 1745 408 236 23
11 Tina Quach* 0.381 606 161 67 3
12 Joanna Maung* 0.375 557 138 67 3
13 Kelvin Huang 0.365 104 34 4 0
14 Cristian Ortiz* 0.336 996 244 79 12
15 Derek Lew* 0.325 2079 590 65 20
16 Aubrey Cubilo 0.324 1601 452 53 13
17 Joe Jaber 0.322 205 48 12 6
18 Tiffany Ho* 0.305 243 65 8 1
19 Francis Chen* 0.296 476 84 52 4
20 Jean Paredes 0.296 449 110 17 6
21 Justin Cheuk 0.285 446 93 34 0

*Denotes active player
PA: Plate appearance, the number of times the player has shown up at the plate to bat. This indicates how many opportunities the player had.
H: Hits, when a player hits the ball and successfully reaches a base.
BB: Base on balls, or walks, where a player automatically reaches first base after a pitcher has thrown four off-target pitches
HBP: Hit-by-pitch, where a player automatically reaches first after he has been hit by the ball

All-world hitter Norman Ho dominates this category, where he both hit for a high batting average and garnered a large number of walks in two seasons. Not far behind is the one-season wonder Josiah Leong, followed by Joey Wong, after which there is a significant dropoff. One player who looks to improve greatly is Jonathan Chee, who after 1 ½ seasons of mediocrity finally emerged as an OBP machine in 2005. Continuing his on-base ways, he should easily be able to exceed Mok, Nghe, and possibly even break into the top 3 in several years.


Rk Name SLG AB TB 1B 2B 3B HR
1 Norman Ho 0.658 1238 814 243 95 11 87
2 Jason Liu* 0.643 832 535 126 57 9 67
3 Josiah Leong* 0.623 265 165 59 18 2 16
4 Joey Wong 0.581 1924 1118 490 115 10 92
5 Desiree Tienturier 0.578 1366 789 284 69 9 85
6 Kelvin Huang 0.541 98 53 22 8 1 3
7 Henry Nghe* 0.540 618 334 149 49 13 12
8 Derek Lew* 0.537 1972 1058 309 181 13 87
9 Rudy Puzon* 0.522 554 289 114 16 5 32
10 Sean Mok 0.517 1059 547 267 65 6 33
11 Francis Chen* 0.464 414 192 36 16 4 28
12 Sam Lau 0.463 1465 679 275 62 4 67
13 Joe Jaber 0.452 186 84 27 13 1 7
14 Jean Paredes 0.443 424 188 74 14 2 20
15 Cristian Ortiz* 0.443 898 398 168 35 4 37
16 Tina Quach* 0.421 535 225 117 32 4 8
17 Aubrey Cubilo 0.409 1527 624 308 116 28 0
18 Joanna Maung* 0.387 481 186 108 21 0 9
19 Jonathan Chee* 0.379 1149 435 257 44 2 21
20 Tiffany Ho* 0.361 233 84 50 12 2 1
21 Justin Cheuk 0.345 409 141 53 36 0 4

*Denotes active player
SLG: Slugging percentage, or total bases per at bat. This is a rough indicator of power ability, although it is partially dependent on average
AB: At bats, the number of plate appearances minus PA’s that resulted in non-batting events, such as walks and hit-by-pitches. This indicates how many opportunities the player had to bat.
Total Bases: The cumulative number of bases from all hits (where singles count as 1 base, doubles as 2, triples as 3, and homeruns as four)
1B: Singles, hits that result in the player reaching the first base (out of four)
2B: Doubles, hits that result in the player reaching the second base (out of four)
3B: Triples, hits that result in the player reaching the third base (out of four)
HR: Homeruns, hits that result in the player reaching all four bases and scoring a run

The Babe Ruth of Daly City baseball, Norman Ho remains at the top of the slugging board, although in recent years slugger Jason Liu has made a strong run, and Leong in his half-season also came close. Outside of those three, no other active player ranks even remotely close to the elite slugger range. Henry Nghe is the next best, topping out at .540

Rk Name G GS
1 Nathan Yan* 96 96
2 Angel Poon* 96 0
3 Josiah Leong* 95 47
4 Terrence Zhao* 87 83
5 Michelle Absalon 84 0
6 Sarah Jimenez 76 13
7 Katie Clayton 61 0
8 Willis Fong 55 55
9 Alvina Chu* 55 0
10 Erica Lum 53 39
11 Michelle Lin 52 51
12 Miguel Pardo* 50 41
13 Zubeda Khan* 42 0
14 Sean Wade* 29 29
15 Jessica Tirta 29 0
16 Samantha Chin* 26 26
17 Alfred Vong* 24 1
18 Helen Yamamoto* 19 0
19 Helen Chow 9 0
20 Aubrey Cubilo 8 8
21 Sean Mok 3 0

*Denotes active player
G: Games
GS: Games Started

A sheer sign of his workhorse nature, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Yan tops the charts in both Games Started and Games. Angel Poon, another three-year veteran, is tied for tops in games, but Josiah Leong, who looks to pitch an ungodly number of relief games in the long-relief closer role, looks to pass up everybody by the end of the season. In terms of starters, Yan and Zhao should remain at 1-2, but the season will likely see Wade, Pardo, and possibly Chin move up beyond 2003-2004 players Fong and Lin for the 3-5 spaces.


1 Nathan Yan* 96 96 830 8.646 0.000
2 Terrence Zhao* 87 83 587 7.072 0.000
3 Willis Fong 55 55 415 1/3 7.552 0.000
4 Josiah Leong* 95 47 351 0.000 0.000
5 Michelle Lin 52 51 335 1/3 6.575 0.000
6 Miguel Pardo* 50 41 275 6.707 0.000
7 Erica Lum 53 39 258 2/3 0.000 0.000
8 Sarah Jimenez 76 13 213 0.000 3.381
9 Sean Wade* 29 29 201 6.931 0.000
10 Angel Poon* 96 0 181 0.000 1.885
11 Samantha Chin* 26 26 168 1/3 6.474 0.000
12 Michelle Absalon 84 0 120 2/3 0.000 1.437
13 Alvina Chu* 55 0 102 0.000 1.855
14 Katie Clayton 61 0 89 0.000 1.459
15 Alfred Vong* 24 1 63 2/3 0.000 2.768
16 Jessica Tirta 29 0 54 1/3 0.000 1.874
17 Zubeda Khan* 42 0 46 2/3 0.000 1.111
18 Aubrey Cubilo 8 8 44 2/3 5.583 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 19 0 26 0.000 1.368
20 Helen Chow 9 0 18 0.000 2.000
21 Sean Mok 3 0 6 2/3 0.000 2.222

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (innings are baseball’s time unit)
IP/GS: Average innings pitched per start
IP/RA: Average innings pitched per relief appearance

A much more exact statistic of work, Yan once again dominates this chart, not only in sheer innings but also in innings per start – rounded off he averages a complete game very start! It’s slightly disappointing to see Leong so low on the list, although he did spend a year in relief. Wade seems to be the fastest-rising player – after a single season he’s already 9th on the list, and looks to pass up everyone up to and maybe even including Leong after this season. Angel Poon tops the charts for a pure reliever, a statistic she’ll probably hold onto for awhile.


Rk Name GS W L Win%
1 Nathan Yan* 96 90 6 0.938
2 Terrence Zhao* 83 52 15 0.776
3 Willis Fong 55 48 3 0.941
4 Michelle Lin 51 34 3 0.919
5 Erica Lum 39 26 7 0.788
6 Sarah Jimenez 13 23 6 0.793
7 Miguel Pardo* 41 22 9 0.710
8 Josiah Leong* 47 21 17 0.553
9 Sean Wade* 29 20 8 0.714
10 Alvina Chu* 0 14 3 0.824
11 Samantha Chin* 26 13 1 0.929
12 Michelle Absalon 0 10 1 0.909
13 Angel Poon* 0 9 5 0.643
14 Alfred Vong* 1 4 2 0.667
15 Jessica Tirta 0 3 1 0.750
16 Aubrey Cubilo 8 3 1 0.750
17 Zubeda Khan* 0 2 3 0.400
18 Katie Clayton 0 0 1 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 0 0 0 0.000
20 Helen Chow 0 0 0 0.000
21 Sean Mok 0 0 0 0.000

*Denotes active player
GS: Games Started
W: Wins, counted whenever a pitcher “wins” the game
L: Losses, whenever a player “loses” the game

Yan once again tops the leaderboard, by a very far margin. After three 30-2 seasons, however, his Winning % actually hasn’t improved, so he’s in fact still behind Fong, who in 2004 put together a perfect 29-0 season Yan still holds the prime distinction of being the only player to not have recorded a single no decision, however, although Wade had only one in his rookie year. The coming year should see all starters move up, possibly past Lin’s #4 spot, but likely not beyond Fong’s 48.

Rk Name IP K K/9
1 Nathan Yan* 830 1279 13.87
2 Terrence Zhao* 587 508 7.79
3 Willis Fong 415 1/3 454 9.84
4 Michelle Lin 335 1/3 392 10.52
5 Josiah Leong* 351 375 9.62
6 Miguel Pardo* 275 181 5.92
7 Sean Wade* 201 163 7.30
8 Samantha Chin* 168 1/3 163 8.71
9 Sarah Jimenez 213 149 6.30
10 Angel Poon* 181 142 7.06
11 Michelle Absalon 120 2/3 138 10.29
12 Alvina Chu* 102 95 8.38
13 Erica Lum 258 2/3 73 2.54
14 Alfred Vong* 63 2/3 53 7.49
15 Katie Clayton 89 49 4.96
16 Zubeda Khan* 46 2/3 38 7.33
17 Jessica Tirta 54 1/3 31 5.13
18 Aubrey Cubilo 44 2/3 28 5.64
19 Helen Yamamoto* 26 12 4.15
20 Helen Chow 18 12 6.00
21 Sean Mok 6 2/3 0 0.00

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (Innings are baseball’s time unit)
K: Strikeout, when the batter fails to even put the ball in play
K/9: A strikeout rate, measured by strikeouts per 9 innings pitched

No surprises here: Having blown away the league for three consecutive years, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Yan dominates this chart. After three years, Zhao also finally surpasses Fong for #2 all-time, although Leong, with his far higher K/9, should have been well past both now, if he had been consistent enough to pitch the innings. Depending on his innings, Leong may yet move past Fong. An interesting thing to note is the dying breed of high K pitchers – of the five players with higher than 9 K’s per 9 innings, 3 of them are retired

Quality Starts

1 Nathan Yan* 96 90 68 35 0.938 0.708 0.365
2 Terrence Zhao* 83 61 20 14 0.735 0.241 0.169
3 Willis Fong 55 45 20 7 0.818 0.364 0.127
4 Michelle Lin 51 34 8 3 0.667 0.157 0.059
5 Josiah Leong* 47 28 1 0 0.596 0.021 0.000
6 Erica Lum 39 24 3 0 0.615 0.077 0.000
7 Sean Wade* 29 23 3 2 0.793 0.103 0.069
8 Miguel Pardo* 41 21 4 2 0.512 0.098 0.049
9 Samantha Chin* 26 14 2 1 0.538 0.077 0.038
10 Sarah Jimenez 13 9 2 1 0.692 0.154 0.077
11 Alfred Vong* 1 1 0 0 1.000 0.000 0.000
12 Aubrey Cubilo 8 1 1 0 0.125 0.125 0.000
13 Angel Poon* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 Michelle Absalon 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 Alvina Chu* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 Katie Clayton 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 Zubeda Khan* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 Jessica Tirta 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 Helen Yamamoto* 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 Helen Chow 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 Sean Mok 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000

*Denotes active player
GS: Games started
QS: Quality starts, where the pitcher throws at least 6 innings with fewer than 3 earned runs allowed. A mark of consistency
CG: Complete games, where the pitcher throws the entire game from beginning to end. A mark of endurance
SHO: Shutouts, a complete game where the pitcher allows no runs. A mark of dominance
QS%: Quality starts as a percentage of starts
CG%: Complete games as a percentage of starts
SO%: Shutout games as a percentage of starts

Yan dominates all three QS, CG, and SHO categories by a large margin. A more interesting note is Zhao, who has steadily bettered year after year. Despite his overall career averages not being as high as Fong, at this point he’s probably a better pitcher, and over time he should be able to increase his averages up to #2. Other notes: it’s clear to see that Leong, Chin, and Pardo rank among the most inconsistent, where as Wade has already demonstrated he can be one of the most consistent players around.


1 Michelle Absalon 120 2/3 0.75 0.81 1.75 0.77
2 Nathan Yan* 830 1.21 0.72 0.96 0.67
3 Alvina Chu* 102 2.03 1.89 2.94 0.97
4 Willis Fong 415 1/3 2.04 1.83 2.76 0.93
5 Jessica Tirta 54 1/3 2.65 3.02 3.57 1.21
6 Terrence Zhao* 587 2.79 2.66 3.92 1.12
7 Sean Wade* 201 3.00 2.37 3.37 1.02
8 Michelle Lin 335 1/3 3.44 2.98 3.01 1.07
9 Sarah Jimenez 213 3.46 2.98 3.90 1.26
10 Zubeda Khan* 46 2/3 3.47 3.28 3.98 1.14
11 Erica Lum 258 2/3 3.51 4.32 5.88 1.58
12 Angel Poon* 181 3.58 3.52 3.94 1.19
13 Helen Chow 18 4.00 5.12 4.73 1.56
14 Sean Mok 6 2/3 4.05 5.56 6.83 1.65
15 Josiah Leong* 351 4.05 4.04 4.57 1.44
16 Samantha Chin* 168 1/3 4.06 3.29 3.73 1.21
17 Aubrey Cubilo 44 2/3 4.23 3.32 4.88 1.21
18 Alfred Vong* 63 2/3 4.24 3.84 4.65 1.19
19 Miguel Pardo* 275 4.88 4.81 5.05 1.56
20 Katie Clayton 89 7.28 6.05 5.83 1.74
21 Helen Yamamoto* 26 9.35 12.35 8.29 2.54

*Denotes active player
IP: Innings pitched (innings are baseball’s time unit)
ERA: Earned Run Average, the average earned runs allowed by the pitcher per 9 innings
CERA: Component ERA – an overall performance metric similar to ERA. Probably the performance indicator
DIPS: Defense-Independent Pitching ERA – an overall performance metric similar to ERA, which involves only walks, strikeouts, and homeruns.
WHIP: Walks and hits per inning pitched, a rough performance metric

What’s this? A category where Yan isn’t on top? Surprisingly, Yan’s career ERA has actually been bested by Absalon, who boasts a 0.84 ERA in 2003 and 0.64 ERA in 2004. Despite this, all other indicators point to Yan being the far more dominant pitcher. Among other players, Chu is making quite a name for herself, with the third best ERA all-time, just barely edging Fong.


1 Michelle Absalon 50 84 84 69 12 61 3 0.820
2 Josiah Leong* 40 95 48 46 0 43 3 0.930
3 Zubeda Khan* 29 42 42 40 0 34 5 0.853
4 Angel Poon* 7 96 96 50 19 29 5 0.241
5 Alvina Chu* 3 55 55 27 12 22 7 0.136
6 Sarah Jimenez 2 76 63 24 14 19 3 0.105
7 Katie Clayton 2 61 61 40 5 6 1 0.333
8 Jessica Tirta 2 29 29 13 3 5 2 0.400
9 Alfred Vong* 2 24 23 14 3 7 0 0.286
10 Erica Lum 2 53 14 7 0 2 0 1.000
11 Helen Yamamoto* 2 19 19 12 0 2 0 1.000
12 Helen Chow 1 9 9 3 3 4 0 0.250
13 Miguel Pardo* 1 50 9 5 1 2 0 0.500
14 Nathan Yan* 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
15 Willis Fong 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
16 Terrence Zhao* 0 87 4 0 0 0 0 0.000
17 Sean Wade* 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
18 Michelle Lin 0 52 1 1 0 0 0 0.000
19 Sean Mok 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0.000
20 Samantha Chin* 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0.000
21 Aubrey Cubilo 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0.000

*Denotes active player
S: Save, when a relief pitcher enters a close game and successfully maintains the lead (the primary role of a “closer”)
G: Games played
RA: Relief appearances
GF: Games finished, relief appearances in which the reliever was the last pitcher
HLD: Hold, similar to save, where a relief pitcher enters a close game and successfully maintains the lead (a reliever does not need to finish a game for a hold)
SVO: Save opportunities, the number of opportunities the pitcher has had to save the game.
BS: Blown saves, when a pitcher enters into a save situation and fails to maintain the lead
SV%: The percentage of save opportunities converted into actual saves.

After three tumultuous years and three starters, the leaderboard is still topped by none other than the inaugural closer Michelle Absalon, who picked up 46 saves in her first season, and added on another 4 the subsequent year. Last year’s closer, Zubeda Khan, managed a scant 29 saves, while year 2 closer Josiah Leong picked up 40. Leong returns as the year 4 closer, marking the first year without a new face at closer. With another year of saves under his belt, Leong should skyrocket past Absalon for first place, and until next year at least, no other candidate has presented himself/herself to climb significantly up this leaderboard.

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